Well folks, I know that it's been a LONG time since I've last posted. And a WHOLE lot has happened since then!!!
Let's see.....we have a new President. Michael Jackson is now moonwalking "on the other side". I have managed to maintain a relationship for longer than 4 months. All monumental occasions!
I can't remember if I even mentioned the new guy in previous posts. I'm guessing that if I did, it was very briefly. We only got together a few days before the 2008 Breast Cancer 3 Day (which henceforth will be known as BC3D).
Or maybe it wasn't briefly (since I am not exactly frugal with words). In any case......here is the run down.
He's a guy who I went to school with from 3rd grade to 6th grade. After my family moved away, I lost all contact with anyone from that time. The weekend before the '08 BC3D, I had been getting in touch with people from high school. On a whim, I also decided to see if I could find any familiar names from the 3rd-6th grade years.
Sure enough.......I did! My old Spelling Bee Nemesis, Neil. Who happens to live 4 miles from my apt. He remembered me as well, so we made a "phone date". And talked for hours. So then we went to dinner. And talked for hours. And have basically been inseparable ever since (going on 9 months now).
We have a lot of things in common. And he has this way of getting me to laugh when I'm in a really, REALLY down mood. It really does feel as though we've stayed connected over the past 25yrs.
That's not to say that there haven't been some growing pains along the way. I often set myself up for disappointment by expecting too much from people. This time was no different. He has a relatively impenetrable wall built up around his emotions b/c of past relationship disasters. And I do have trust issues b/c of MY past relationship disasters. I thought that our history and instant chemistry would eliminate such roadblocks. It didn't. But the difference between this relationship and past ones (for me at least) is the fact that we both care enough to talk through the issues.
Granted, there are still times when I want a bit more than he is able to give. But I've also learned that if it's going to happen, it has to happen on his time schedule, not mine. So, for the moment, I've left the ball in his court and am just sitting back and waiting to see what happens.
He's a dork (and proud of it). He can be a pain in the ass. But I love him and wouldn't have him any other way. Well.....maybe I'd get rid of the snoring.
Other news: My "baby" sister finished her freshman year of college. My "baby" brother got his own apartment. One cousin got engaged and another is getting ready to start graduate school (I used to baby sit all of these "kids"). My god-daughter is going to China as part of a Student Ambassador program. My niece finished 1st grade. My nephew will be turning 3 in Aug. Damn.....time flies.
I signed back up for the '09 BC3D. This time as a Crew Member. That means I won't have to spend countless hours training and fund-raising. I only need $300 instead of $2000+. And it will give me a chance to experience the event from a completely difference perspective. The Crew members night not be walking 60 miles, but we don't exactly sit on our butts either! We are up at 3:00 am and don't get to bed until close to midnight. Every minute of the day is occupied. I am looking forward to it.
I regained 20 of the 40lbs that I lost between the 07 and 08 BC3Ds. The BF bought a Wii system, with the Wii Fit option. We've been using it to burn calories. And we've been eating a lot more salads. This past week hasn't been the best for us (kind of fell off the bandwagon over July 4th weekend). But I think we'll get back on track....STARTING TONIGHT!!!!
WOW!!! That's a lot of stuff for one post. I have a bit more to share, but I will save that for another day.
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