I did get laid up with an ass-kicking upper respiratory thing for a few days, but I'm all better now.
I will post more info and pix of the walk when I have some free time.
I do have a few personal update stories though!
A) Leopards don't change their spots and JACKASSES will be jackasses until they die. The guy that I dated many years ago, who left, but came back....? He left again. Without even a courtesy call. I was beating myself up over it for a few months but then realized that HE was the one who should be embarrassed, not me. So, I got over it and moved forward.
B) FACEBOOK IS COOL. I was looking up old high school people and, on a whim, looked up people who may have graduated from a school that I went to from 3rd-6th grade. And I found a name I recognized. In fact, he was one of my friends (and an old arch nemesis when it came to tests and spelling bees. CREPE!!!). After my family moved away, I never kept in touch with anyone at all, so I was pleasantly surprised when responded back and knew exactly who I was. We started chatting.....for hours....until 4:00 am. Turns out that he and I have some things in common.
Such as: going to school for scientific stuff. I got a chemisty degree and work for a pharmaceutical company. He got his degree in pharmacy. And, even though we grew up hours away from Phila, we both settled in the SAMN DAMN TOWN (seriously....4 miles apart from each other). Our personalities seem similar as well.....sense of humor, sarcasm (although mine is not quite as fine-tuned and cutting as his. I'M WORKING ON IT!!!).
I won't deny that it's freaking me the fuck out BUT I'm also having a blast playing "connect the dots" between 6th grade and present day. It doesn't seem like 25yrs have passed at all.
(Oh..... he made me a mean chicken noodle soup when I was sick. I don't think I've ever had a guy cook for me. EVER. Unless you count microwave popcorn).
Anyway, I guess that's all for now.