It has been way too long since I've posted, so this is a Catch Up Post!
I am fully recuperated from the walk. My feet still look all jacked up from the peeling (dead skin from the calluses is coming off) but I am still amazed at how well they held up for 60+ brutal miles.
Because of the constant reminders about Early Detection, I decided start doing my self-breast checks at home. And I found a lump. So I had my first official mammogram. You know what, it was not bad at all. I'm not saying I would do one every week....but the fear and anticipation was SO much worse than the actual procedure. The dr says that it is 99% likely that the lump is just a benign cyst, but I am having it removed and biopsied anyway. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!!!
I also joined WW (the week after the walk). I weighed in around (maybe even a little above) 240 lbs. This past weigh in, I had lost a total of 11 lbs (been on the program for 5 weeks). I know that it's going to be a long road, but I know I can do it. If I can walk 60 miles in the piss-poor shape that I am in, I can manage lose 100 lbs.
I had my first date in almost 3 years. My 3 Day training buddy, Marie, set me up. It wasn't a BAD date (and I know that there are some horror stories about the Blind date), it was just.......ok. The guy is very "vanilla" and I prefer some "chocolate chip mint". Since he was calling me just about every day in the week leading up to the date, and I haven't heard from him since (2 weeks ago), I'm guessing he also felt the LACK of connection. It wasn't the most successful First Date I've ever had, but it was nice to get back in the saddle. I guess that means I need to sit down and update my Match and Cupid profiles!!! I have't had much success with the online dating thing....guys just seem to back away from meeting the "big girls". But maybe this time will be the charm!!!
I received a bit of news that envoked many different emotions in me. I found out that my ex had separated from his wife (she basically picked up and left). Initially, I was dancing for glee. This was the woman who he was involved with before we got together and who he went back to after we broke up. I know his reasons for doing what he did, but the catty part of me was still happy to hear that she proved to be the "not so nice word" I pegged her to be. My 2nd emotion was sadness and concern for him. There are some people in this world that will, no matter how much time passes, always have a place in your heart. This guy is one of those. Even though I now realize that we were not meant to be together romantically, I still care for him. And I know enough about his history to know that he would take all of the responsibility for the split upon himself (and punish himself unecessarily for it). Then, a week or so after I heard about the separation, when I heard that he was being treated for suicidal thoughts, I felt very real fear. We did speak on the phone and it seems that he is doing better now.
I also got to reconnect with another face from my past. I had dated a guy some years ago who had a son. Even after we broke up, I still set aside time to visit with Leon. Then Leon's dad got into a serious relationship with somebody, so my time was cut back. I understood why it had to happen but it was still a difficult transition. This past Monday, Leon was off from school for Veteran's day. So his dad brought him to me and we spent a wonderful few hours together. We went to Chucky Cheese (spent $40 in tickets, in order to go home with $3.00 worth of prizes. The person who came up with that idea is a genius!!!!) and then the park.
It's been a busy but fulfilling time since my 3 Day experience!!!
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