No, I don't mean the drink. I mean the got-away-with-murder, beat-up-his-wife, ex football player by the name of OJ Simpson. Apparently he got arrested over the weekend. I couldn't tell you what the charges were, b/c every time I saw his face on TV, I changed channels.
ENOUGH ALREADY PEOPLE! The football legend is long gone so let's focus on more important issues!!!
OK, venting done!
With a little over 3 weeks until the 3 Day Walk, I have been ramping up my training and learned some lessons.
I walked 11 miles on Saturday. At one point it started pouring. Lesson? Bring a damn poncho!!!! I ended up having to run into KMart to buy dry clothes!!! Also, dress in LAYERS! I'ts easy enough to take them off if you get too hot, but if you don't start out dressed warm enough for the current conditions, you will be shivering and shaking in your New Balances!
Lesson 2....STRETCH MORE! I am notoriously BAD at doing this. I tend to do it only when I can feel that something is cramping up. It's a reactive stretch rather than a preventative one. I read somewhere that you not only need to stretch for 5 min every hour while walking, but that you should be stretching when you wake up and when you go to bed if you want to make sure your muscles are in good shape for the long events. It's a habit I desparately need to acquire!
On Sunday, I walked for 7 miles. And I learned 2 more things (not really lessons....just useful information). First, my "camelback" (backpack integrated with a water bag and drinking tube) is definitely the way to go. I had been training with a fanny pack that could hold 2 medium bottles of gatorade as well as a storage compartment for other items. It was not the most comfortable thing but I felt like I had adjusted to it. After using the backpack, I realized how awkward the fanny pack really was. And with the weight of the water bottles riding on my lower back, I was actually straining myself more than necessary. Another benefit of the backpack is that it holds MORE STUFF!!! I combine the backpack with a much smaller fanny pack (that is big enough to hold my cell phone, keys, and credit cards....not much more) and I can bring everything with me that I need while hoofing it!
The second thing I learned is HOW MUCH I LOVE MY WALKING SANDALS!!! I had picked up a pair with the intention of wearing them every so often along the 3 Day route to give my feet a "breather" from the sneakers. I wore them on Sunday and my feet were SO much more comfortable that I plan on using them as much as I can during the actual walk! They have an amazing amount of arch support and that is something that I can't find in even the top of the line sneakers (you know, the ones that cost between $90 and $120?!?! When the sandals cost $25!!!!).
I can feel my excitement growing as the 3 Day gets closer!!!!
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