Monday, June 11, 2007

Things Keep Moving Forward!

The picture has nothing to do with the post. I just thought it was ultra cool!

It's been a very productive few days for me.

I'm back walking every other day. I'm not too far off of the official training schedule set up by the 3 Day people, so that's a relief!

I received my check from the Texas Roadhouse fundraiser. Turns out that they were more generous than I expected. My actual fundraiser yielded me $87. They upped it to $150. When I got the check, it was for .....$250! YeeHaw!!! I raised $225 from my Friendly's fundraiser. That means my total money raised is $1500 (although all of that is not reflected on my 3 Day Headquarters).

I also picked up some more gift cards ($50 from Wegman's food store and $25 from Rose Marie's, an italian eatery in Bloomsburg, PA). This coming weekend I am holding 2 fundraisers. One is a bake sale & raffle at the WalMart in Bloomsburg (Saturday, June 16th). My sister is going to be doing face-painting. Then on Father's Day (June 17th), Quaker Steak and Lube restaurant in Bloomsburg will donate 10% of the proceeds from anyone coming in with a voucher. I'm hoping to net at least $50.

Things seem to be going along nicely!!!

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