Friday, May 4, 2007

Snowballs are AWESOME!

I've been registered for the 3 Day since March. Unfortunately, my fundraising has been slower than I had hoped over these past 2 montsh. On a whim, last night and this afternoon, I sent out random emails to various people I work with as well as some members of my church. I also have been doing my best to get some traffic for this blog and my fundraising efforts by posting on other blogs, sending out links on MySpace, etc.

Somehow, somewhere, a connection was made. What started out as a few flurries turned into full-sized snowballs. This morning, I was at $110. By the time I came home this afternoon, I was at $515!!! Some of the donations were from coworkers. Ironically, the ones who were the most generous were the ones I least expected a response from!!! There were even a few from people I had never even heard of! Perhaps someone to whom I sent a letter passed it on. Perhaps someone from one of the blogs I post on (or someone who reads this blog) decided to help me. It doesn't matter how or where my name came into play. I am simply greatful that it did.

Allow me to state my thanks to my recent donors.

Coworkers: Steph Roldan, Peggy Cadwallader, Chaly Carson.

Fellow 3 Day-er (walking in San Diego): Debbie Anderson. I had placed a white TShirt on EBay and allowed people to bid on the chance to add a dedication to it. I would then wear it on my walk. I allowed room for 10 names....Debbie was the only taker. I will attempt to sell the other 9 spaces between now and the Phila Walk.

Random People (who I don't know but helped me just the same): Konstantinos Apostolou, Joan Fruman, Beth Kreuger.

God Bless you all!!!

To Donate, click HERE.

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