My fundraiser at Texas Roadhouse was a HUGE success!
I brought in about $870 in sales, which will result in an $87 donation to my 3 Day fund. But b/c the manager of the restaurant was impressed with the fact that Lil Ol' Me brought in that many customers, all by my lil ol' self, he increased the donation to $150! Thanks Bill!!!
Of course, I DIDN'T do it all by myself. Yes, I printed out 300 flyers and shoved them under windshields of cars at shopping centers as well as hang them up anywhere I was allowed (and some where I wasn't allowed!!!). But without the support of my fellow 3 Day-ers who spread the word and the generosity of those who came and "ate for the cure", I wouldn't have raised a dime.
This brings my official total to $870 (although the $150 won't show up for another week or 2). I actually think I am above $1000 once I figure in all of the money from the collection jars that I have scattered around.
Now it's time to step back and take a break froom fundraising....time to get back to WALKING!