WARNING...this post is full of anger, ranting, and swearing!!!!
It's PMS FROM HELL week, so I figured that I'd make a list of things that would irritate me normally but this week, make me want to rip people's heads off and shove them up their asses!!!!
-- People who don't knock before jiggling the door handle on a public restroom. Also, people who are using the restroom but don't yell out when I give a courtesy knock before trying the handle.
-- People who, at a 4 way intersection, either go when it's not their turn (which I guess is kind of an obvious one). ALSO....people at the same intersection who tell you to go when it's actually THEIR turn (which is probably less obvious....but no less irritating to me).
-- People who order the most expensive thing on the menu at a group lunch. Then divide the check up by the total number of people there. And then act like I'M the one being unreasonable when I refuse to pay $15 for my $4 lunch special.
-- People who blare their horns at you as you are sitting in the exit of a parking lot.....even though you are not moving forward or blocking lanes, therefore not causing any potential traffic accidents. And, of course, they are always on their cell phones. Meaning that they didn't see me sitting there the entire time b/c they were focused on their call rather than the road, so when they finally DID see me, their reaction was "what the fuck is she doing?!?!?!" even though I hadn't moved in at least 2 min. If you're going to talk on the phone while driving, at least take the responsibility for your own stupidity!!!
-- People who borrow money for sodas, snacks from the vending machine, or lunch on a regular basis......yet the ONE TIME you do it, they make fun of you....for the next 2-3 months.
-- People who routinely check out EBAY and Craig's List while at work, but make fun of you for checking your personal email during your lunch break.
-- People who move to the US from another country, open a business, and can't speak a word of English. No, I'm not a total bigotted bitch. The US is basically a land of immigrants. I am all for people coming here and having a better life than they could have had in their motherland. I don't care about people continuing to embrace their culture once they are here. I don't even care if they don't choose to learn English (after all, it's their own neck on the line if they need help but don't know how to ask for it). But if you are going to open a business where you deal with customers.....shouldn't you be able to at least communicate with them? As a consumer, do I not have the right to HAVE YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
-- People who move here from another country and then CONTINUOUSLY BITCH ABOUT THE UNITED STATES!!! If you hate it so much, then GO THE FUCK BACK HOME!!!!
-- People who constantly interrupt me. This is ironic , since I am notorious for doing it myself. But, to give myself credit, I realize it's annoying and am trying to cut back on doing it (and I apologize when I catch myself doing it).
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