It's been shamefully long since I've posted. Not that anyone reads it all that much anyway...but still.
I got a late start but now I'm training like a mad woman. For the past few months, I didn't do any walking at all. Then, one day I looked at the calendar and said HOLY CRAP!!!! And that weekend I did 16miles (8 on Sat and 8 on Sun). AND NO SIDE EFFECTS!
I've been increasing it bit by bit each weekend. Last weekend I did 15miles on Sat and 8 on Sun. I was very tired, but still felt great. Tomorrow I will be doing 17miles.
Being a Training Walk Leader has really helped keep me going. If I submit an official walk, I have to show up. Even if nobody signs up for it, I still show up JUST IN CASE! So far I only had one long walk where nobody came out to walk and I managed to do the entire distance on my own. YAY ME!!!
Fundraising is a bit scary. I need $2200. I've raised $1169. The fundraising letters I've sent out really haven't yielded much. With a little more than 2 months left, I do feel moments of panic. During those moments, I try my best to "give it up to God" and trust that He will find a way to make it happen.
I've also been doing Fundraising Fridays at work....bringing in baked good to sell. Most weeks I sell out. First 2 months I made $75 each time. July was only $60, but that was b/c I only did it for 2 Fridays. This month, I'm already up to $100!!!!
Next weekend, my team leader is having a yard sale at her house. So I am going to set up a face painting and bake sale table in the hopes of grabbing additional donations. Even if I don't make money on it, I'll get to hang out with Miss Sammy Penguin!!!
Well, I guess that's all. Look for more updates in the NEAR future!!!
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