With 6 weeks to go, I am having so many conflicting feelings about the upcoming 3 Day Walk.
I am thrilled that I have met my fundraising goal of $2200 (had a few nervous moments b/c the WalMart check took awhile to post, but it did and now I'm ALL CLEAR).
I am a bit nervous b/c I have not been doing nearly as much training as I should. I have so many things packed into my weekends that everything ends up getting cut short. I really need to focus on GETTING UP EARLIER. Maybe 5:30-6:00 each day so that I can make time to get it ALL DONE! My problem is that I love sleep and I hate mornings. And walking at midnight is not a safe option.
I am starting to organize and order the remaining things that I need for the walk. Camping gear, extra socks, clothing. That causes it's own concern b/c it is really adding up. I was so busy focusing on the $2200 I needed to raise that I never looked at the close to $500 that I'd need to spend on myself. Good thing is, other than the sneakers, I will be able to use most items again next year.
Despite my variety of emotions, I am really looking forward to it. I saw a photo of 2 people walking in Chicago who wore pins saying "I met my fiancee on the 3 Day Walk". Now wouldn't THAT be cool, if I could meet a man while walking and sweaty...hair pulled back and no makeup. I'd know for sure he liked me for who I am and not what's on the outside.