On Wednesday I made a wonderful discovery in the heart of NE Philly... Pennypack Park. A coworker recommended it and I am glad he did! Acres of forest, miles of paths (both paved and natural terrain), flats and hills. A training utopia!!! The path that I took, which ran along a stream, was very scenic and relaxing. I have no doubt that I will become a frequent visitor here, especially in the hot summer months (plenty of shade).
I had 2 goals this week. The first was to integrate some cross training into my routine, which basically means participating in a variety of activities besides walking. Not only does this break up the monotony of doing the same thing over and over, but it also helps to broaden the range of muscles which I work. This is a benefit because it will help increase my strength and stamina for the 3 Day as well as reduce the risk of injury due to overuse of the same muscle groups. I was successful in this goal because I made it to the gym twice this week to do some strength training and use the elliptical machine. It wasn't easy for me to do this. For one, I have not set foot in the gym in at least 6 months (probably longer). I also had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning in order to get my workout in before work. I am NOT a morning person....at.....all. Given the choice, I would sleep until 10am every single day. But I also know myself well enough to realize that waiting until the afternoon to go to the gym would result in many skipped sessions ( I cannot tolerate being there when it is crowded). So I consider waking up way before any normal person should the lesser of 2 evils. It's only 2x/week....I'll survive.
My second goal was to increase my my walking. I wanted to try for a total of 12 miles total. On Wednesday I did 2 miles on my lunch break and another 2 miles at the park after work. And that is ALL that I did. I had taken an unplanned day off Monday to recover from Saturday's walk. And as tired (and sore) as I was this morning, I cancelled my plans to walk today. I was beating myself up for "wimping out" but then I realized that was silly. Even though I walked less than I wanted, it wasn't because I was slacking off. I had added 2 days of weight lifting into the mix. It's better for me to listen to my body telling me it needs a bit of a rest rather than to force myself to stick to a possibly unrealistic schedule and then "burn out". I also have to remember that a) I only started training 2 weeks ago and b) the 3Day is 6 months away. I have time to gradually build up the intensity of my workouts...I don't need to be at 10 miles/day in the next week or 2. I have to be patient....be consistent....be smart.
To quote activist Marian Wright Edelman: "You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day"
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